Drupal Website Maintenance

Digital Polygon Makes Your Website Maintenance Easy

Maintaining a Drupal website requires continuous attention to ensure it remains secure, fast, and up-to-date. Our Drupal Website Maintenance services are designed to keep your site performing at its best. From regular updates and security patches to performance optimization and issue resolution, we provide comprehensive maintenance solutions tailored to your specific needs. Trust us to handle the technical details so you can focus on growing your business.

We Are Experts & Open Source Contributors

Drupal Certified Partner
Drupal Association Supporting Partner Badge
Drupal Certified Migration Partner
Acquia Community Partner
Pantheon Strategic Partner
Web Ops Certification
Drupal 8 Certified Developers
Drupalcon Portland 2024
Drupal 4 Gov Logo
DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023
DrupalCon North America 2021 April 12-16 Logo
DrupalCamp Florida Logo

Why Choose Our Drupal Website Maintenance Services?

We Are Drupal Experts

Our team of certified Drupal experts is dedicated to providing top-notch support and maintenance. With extensive experience in building and managing Drupal websites, we ensure your site is always in capable hands.

Hassle-free Updates

Keeping your Drupal site updated is crucial for security and performance. We handle all core and module updates, applying the latest security patches to protect your site from vulnerabilities.

Proactive Issue Resolution

We identify and resolve potential issues before they impact your site. Our proactive approach ensures minimal downtime and uninterrupted service, keeping your website reliable and accessible.

Tailored Maintenance Plans

Every website is unique, and so are its maintenance needs. We offer tailored maintenance plans that address your specific requirements, ensuring comprehensive care for your Drupal site.

Detailed Reporting and Insights

Stay informed about your website’s health with our detailed maintenance reports. We provide insights into updates performed, security status, performance metrics, and any issues resolved.

Our Website Maintenance Process

Website Onboarding
We start with a thorough assessment of your Drupal website to understand its current state and identify any immediate needs. This includes reviewing core and module versions, security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and more.

Regular Maintenance
Our ongoing maintenance services include regular updates, security patches, performance optimization, and proactive monitoring. We ensure your website remains secure, fast, and reliable.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization
We continuously monitor your website’s performance and make necessary adjustments to improve load times, reduce server stress, and enhance user experience.

Security Monitoring and Updates
We monitor for security threats and apply the latest security updates to protect your website from vulnerabilities. Our proactive approach ensures your site remains secure against potential attacks.

Issue Detection and Resolution
Our team actively monitors your website for any issues and resolves them promptly. Whether it’s a broken link, a module conflict, or a performance bottleneck, we address problems quickly to minimize disruption.

Reporting and Communication
We provide regular reports detailing the maintenance activities performed, including updates, security patches, performance improvements, and any issues resolved. Clear communication ensures you’re always informed about the status of your website.

We trust Digital Polygon to manage Drupal upgrades because they fully embrace the WebOps mindset. Digital Polygon's team is able to move forward swiftly without compromising quality, enabling teams to focus what truly matters—driving value through website. Their expertise in managing complex upgrades with precision makes them an invaluable Pantheon Partner.

- Christine Park - CRO @ Pantheon
Christine Park, CRO at Pantheon

Drupal Website Maintenance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is included in your Drupal Website Maintenance services?
A: Our maintenance services include regular updates, security patches, performance optimization, issue detection and resolution, and detailed reporting. We provide comprehensive care tailored to your website’s specific needs.

Q: How often do you perform updates and maintenance?
A: We perform updates and maintenance regularly, typically on a monthly basis. However, the frequency can be adjusted based on your website’s specific requirements and any immediate needs.

Q: How do you handle security updates?
A: We proactively monitor for security threats and apply the latest security patches to protect your website. Our team ensures that your site is always secure against potential vulnerabilities.

Q: Can you provide custom maintenance plans?
A: Yes, we offer tailored maintenance plans that address your specific needs. Whether you require basic updates or comprehensive care, we provide solutions that fit your requirements.

Q: What happens if an issue is detected on my website?
A: Our team promptly addresses any issues detected during our monitoring. We resolve problems quickly to minimize disruption and ensure your website remains reliable and accessible.

Q: How do I stay informed about the maintenance activities?
A: We provide regular reports detailing the maintenance activities performed, including updates, security patches, performance improvements, and any issues resolved. Clear communication ensures you’re always informed about the status of your website.

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